Friday 23 September 2011

Week 4 - Blockwork to DPM

The last two days Nigel has been here laying out the blockwork. This is very exciting as we get to actually see where the walls go and get a sense of the shape and size of the rooms for the first time. The levels are still confusing everyone. On Thursday night I had 5 exhausted builders trying to do the maths and telling me we had 11 inch rises on our steps- it was going to be built for giants! But Nigel and I had a quiet think this morning and realised that two steps actually equals three rises -so they are only 6 inches after all - praise the Lord!
It's looking really great- but it needs to. We are off on our hols this weekend so it's good to leave confident that the guys know what they are doing. Well... we'll see when we get back!!!

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