Sunday 18 September 2011

Week 3 - The Stroud Underground

The week has continued with more uncovering and replacing of drains... our soil pipe, the one we share with No.2, the one from No. 3 that comes through separately, the main one for the whole of the terrace and the whole of Orchard Lane that will flow past our new patio doors. The guys had to deal with a few flushes of unpleasantness I can tell you. But at least now it is new and spangly we hopefully don't need to worry about anything untoward leaking out underneath my new kitchen floor! We also experienced a burst water main that I found the guys struggling when
I arrived home one day. They looked up mournfully from knee deep in water and sewage holding the offending pipe spurting everywhere and said they had rung James who was coming back with some supplies. "Surely a bit of PTFE tape would sort that out" I said... "I'll just go and get my plumbing kit" - returning a
minute later with an old Pinot Grigio
box full of tools. A few twists of a monkey wrench later and the problem was solved.... I'm my father's daughter ;o)
We finished the week with some six foot holes that I can stand up in and you can't even see my head. We are pumping concrete on Tuesday.

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