Friday 9 September 2011

End of Week Two - Finally we are starting to build something.

First lot of concrete footings were poured today along the party wall. The building inspector came out to check them. "Thats good soil" he said picking some up between his fingers. In an Indiana Jones type fashion he put it to his lips and tasted a bit... "good mix of Cotswold sand and a bit of clay" he said with a satisfied nod. Mikey looked at me horrified. When he had gone he explained a few hours ago he had emptied the contents of our soil pipe in that very spot.
But he gave the approval and the concrete arrive about 2.30- you have half an hour to get it all off the lorry and into the ground or the evil company charges you about £150 per five minutes overtime so Phil and Mikey went into overdrive.
At last we have moved on from knocking things down and are starting to build something :)

Noise levels 4/5
Stress levels 4/5

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