Wednesday 1 February 2012

Week 24 - Shades of Yellow and the Roof is On!

Well, winter has arrived, (-4 tonight) fashionably late, and we have made it by the skin of our teeth. The guys are out there now putting the final lick of paint to the barge boards and most of the scaffolding will come down tomorrow.

The slate is Welsh, and the ridge tiles reclaimed. The Velux stream light into the building, especially in the ensuite upstairs which I'm now feeling really positive about! Our bath and shower has arrived and Nick and I did various exp
eriments at the weekend and I think there will be plenty of room in there after all - joy! :)

My friend Joe Woodcock turned the finials for me- don't they look fab? Here is a picture of one, alongside the block of wood he turned them from, and the old rotten thing we replaced.

I had to get some more yellow paint to match the existing woodwork. Our yellow bargeboards are a love or hate it thing, I know a lot of people cringe a bit as it is hardly subtle, but if I'm honest I love it- I think it was subconsciously one of the reasons we bought the house. The colour is quite close to custard powder - I found an old tin in the garage- it is called "Golden Rambler". Its been quite a yellow week :)

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