Monday 16 January 2012

Moroccan Inspiration

Some of the goodies that survived the journey back from a Christmas in Marrakech!

The lantern and mirror and lantern opposite are for the downstairs cloak room.

This is definitely taking on a bit of a Moroccan theme... I have even challenged James to do some coloured plaster work! Whats the worst that could happen? I can always paint over it!

This is to accompany the copper sink I bought and the lovely chunky wall mounted taps.

Moroccan cloakroom

I'm afraid the Renaissance ensuite bathroom didn't escape either! I have bought the most lovely plasterwork done by a chap called "Yesi" in front of my eyes... and a Saharan wooden door (from a royal palace no less... ;) that weighed a tonne - I can't believe we were under our luggage allowance!

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