Monday 6 February 2012

Week 25 - Knock throughs and the dust of doom

They have knocked through. It has happened! The building projected has burst out of its neat little hiding place and is now invading our lives!!! It's a bit like some weird Dr. Who phenomenon where you open a door to another dimension and then shut it again totally confused about where you are!!!
This is downstairs...

This is upstairs.... what a hike to get up to the new bedroom!

Now people warned me about the dust. I thought I could cope with a bit of dust- but its the smell that I wasn't prepared for- the breathing it in- this musty dry peppery smell. Its driving me up the wall and hoovering just seems to make it worse!

Of course we are only at the beginning of the craziness- in a few weeks time they will be knocking walls down in here. I think we may abandon ship for that part...

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