Thursday, 12 January 2012

Dodgy doors and a theology of forgiveness.

"So watch yourselves. If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them," Jesus
So my long debated, long awaited french doors arrived yesterday, and it was immediately apparent that they were not what I had ordered at all. Made bespoke by a local joiner, and I had had 3 face to face meetings, various telephone conversations, about 25 emails and a drawing, to scale, of what I wanted. Where did it all go wrong? There is no denying that they are beautiful and incredibly well made, but that is somewhat irrelevant.

I blew my top, went nuts at the joiner, followed by a detailed stroppy email to them showing how I couldn't have been clearer about what I wanted and it was all their fault. I threatened to get them to take the doors away and I never wanted to see them again. They wouldn't be getting a penny off me. (That's the last time anyone tries to take me for a ride.).

Then last night, irritatingly, it was our churches monthly worship meeting. God gently reminded me that I'm not perfect, that He might have had to forgive me for the odd thing in the past, and it had cost Him quite dearly.

My joiner rang me this morning to apologize. I ranted. He didn't make any excuse. He understood why I was unhappy. He sounded completely gutted. He had hoped I would be over the moon with his work. He agreed to do whatever I wanted- he would take them away, or alter them or I could have them at a discounted rate...

Grace is a word that makes me smile inside.

I agreed to keep the doors. I said I could think of a few carpentry jobs he could do for me to make it up to me. His tone instantly changed and he got excited about the new work, offering to go above and beyond what I asked for... getting creative about ways he could go the extra mile and impress me.

Before I put down the phone he
was commenting how he was thinking about going to church with his wife...

You win some, you lose some ;)

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