Sunday 23 October 2011

Week 8 - Rooms taking shape and scaffolding goes up

More of the same I'm afraid... but with every week that passes you start to get a bit of a better idea of the rooms. You can now see where the kitchen window is, the downstairs bathroom and the big french doors. The brickwork looks beautiful.
On Saturday morning (much to our surprise) the scaffolders turned up to do their stuff. We were still in our dressing gowns... I'm glad we were in though otherwise they would have completely blocked next doors right of way etc.. its fine now though.

It is funny how it immediately looks like a building site once scaffolding goes up.
Tonight Nick and I climbed the ladder and sat on the planks contemplating for the first time what will be our view from our juliette balcony on the first floor... bliss!

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