Tuesday 22 November 2011


Electrician turned up yesterday, totally unexpected. My dear neighbour Sarah came knocking on my door (I was still in my dressing gown)...
"Your electrician is blocking me in so I can't get off my drive"
"It's not my electrician, there is noone on site today"
"Well I can't get off the drive"
"Well thats not my problem..."

It was of course. Sigh!

Funny, but this really does mark Chapter 2 of the building project. We have moved beyond questions of how high ceilings need to be and where the walls go to questions like "what kind of light fitting are you thinking of for your bathroom" and "where are you going to put the TV?" "Do you need a dimmer with that?" A dimmer? Wow! Kevin our sparky brings a new world of opportunity and creativity- and a taste of the future where this concrete jungle is transformed into a cosy home...

It is like the first signs of spring and it makes my heart glad :)

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