Sunday 10 June 2012

The Jericho moment

Well, after our big push and three lovely weeks in France, our builders were supposed to be promptly back on site to tackle taking down the wall between the two front rooms.

In reality it took them two months to actually show up.  In the meantime we pottered, doing little jobs, while I got fatter and fatter and less and less able to do stuff.  Also the weather has been terrible- it has rained virtually every day throughout the summer, so little hope of getting any outside jobs / painting done.

Finally they arrived to take the walls down.

This happened while Nick was in Asia and I was on my own, pregnant with only 12 hours notice to pack up two rooms. Joy!

But as soon as the wall came down I knew we had made the right decision.  What a lovely big room! The next challenge was what to do with it!