Saturday 17 March 2012

Painting party

Hurrah for my lovely church friends who turned up to help get a base coat on the kitchen-diner!

Friday 2 March 2012

Scaffolding down, plaster up!

Wow, it really does feel like we are coming in to land (finally!!!!)

The scaffolding came down this week! The railings are up and you get to see what we have built in all its glory!

Also the upstairs is plastered, and we are starting to paint!

The ensuite has been the priority this week. We bought some paint and after spending a fortune on tester pots I thought I had what I wanted. Then when we bought £40 worth of paint we started rollering on the walls and Nick said "Oh my goodness it is pink". Now my dear husband is colour blind and not normally a reliable judge... but in this case he was absolutely right. So I had to reach for my acrylic artists paints and started adding "yellow ochre".... oh dear we could end up a real pickle! Fortunately we managed to coax the colour towards the peachy end of the spectrum, which isn't quite what I was going for, but I think we will get away with it.

The plumber has been here the last few days and now the towel rail and bath are in! They are even operational. Nick and I had our first bath in the new extension tonight!!! Ok we did have to tiptoe round the power tools but it was so exciting. We are actually using our new extension!